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Scoil Naomh Molaise, Grange, Co. Sligo

News Archive - Senior Classes

2023/2024 School Year

23rd Apr 2024
Ciara our gardener came into school this week to work with 4th Class in our school...
22nd Apr 2024
3rd and 4th Class went on a Wildflower hunt  along our local Riverside on Earth...
10th Apr 2024
Both 4th classes got to explore our local seashore at Streedagh Beach. We discovered...
9th Apr 2024
Well done to Adam in 6th class who represented our school in the Cumann na mBunscol...
22nd Mar 2024
Ring Buoy, ring Buoy, ring Buoy! 🏊🌊
22nd Mar 2024
3rd Class were thrilled with their Pen Licenses! ✍️🖋️
21st Mar 2024
As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge 1st Class and 3rd Class enjoyed learning the dance...
19th Mar 2024
Ar lá glas bhí tráth na gceist í ranganna Ms Bredin agus...
14th Mar 2024
All of the boys and girls from both 4th Classes learned cúpla damhsa as Gaeilge...
14th Mar 2024
Last week third class had great fun outlining their friends shadows and decorating...