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Scoil Naomh Molaise, Grange, Co. Sligo

News Archive - Junior Classes

2023/2024 School Year

21st May 2024
We were very proud of all the First Holy Communicants in 2nd Class who recently received...
20th May 2024
From a trip to the park,  daily whole school dance routines on the astro, penalty...
20th May 2024
1st Class were very excited to receive our Supevalu 'Let's Grow' kit.  Most...
2nd May 2024
All of the children had the great pleasure of watching the local Search and Rescue...
1st May 2024
To finish off our SESE topic on France 1st Class created models of the Eiffel Tower...
1st May 2024
1st Class enjoyed a nature hunt along the river walk beside our school.